Full-day workshop about containers at #ContainerConf 2020

Due to the global pandemic, ContainerConf moved to virtual event spread over multiple days in late 2020 and early 2021 each focusing on a specific topic. One of my contributions was a full-day workshout covering advanced usage of containers.

Talk about #GitOps at #ContainerConf 2020

Due to the global pandemic, ContainerConf moved to virtual event spread over multiple days in late 2020 and early 2021 each focusing on a specific topic. One of my contributions was a talk about GitOps - what it is and which popular implementations are available.

Writing a #Kubernetes controller in #bash to handle DNS for #traefik

I am using traefik as the ingress controller in multiple Kubernetes clusters. Those instances are running standalone (without the integrated high availability). To make sure that users are able to reach traefik, a DNS record points to the host IP. So far, an init container was responsible for updating DNS if the traefik pod restarts. But recently I decided to decouple the DNS update from traefik. This led to writing a Kubernetes controller to watch the traefik pod for restarts and update DNS accordingly. This post provides details about writing the controller in bash.

Use #docker-compose to manage Pods on #Docker

Docker does not implement the concept of a pod. But pods can be created by explicitly sharing the network namespace of containers. With docker-compose it is possible to manage pods in an declarative way using the network_mode field.

#Microsoft #MVP for 10 years #mvpbuzz

I am very happy to announce that I have been awarded Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) in Cloud and Datacenter Management again. I have now been an MVP for 10 years :-)

Lightning Talk about #BuildKit at the High Performance Container Workshop

I has the opportunity to speak at the high performance container workshop which is held as part of the ISC 2020, Europe’s largest conference for high performance computing. I gave a lightning talk about BuildKit.

Using #BuildKit for Cloud Native Build in #GitLab

After my talk about BuildKit at DockerCon Live 2020 I wanted to provide a detailed answer to a question from the audience. I was asked how to use BuildKit in GitLab CI and this post will explain this for running the BuildKit daemon as a service and using BuildKit daemonless in a job.

My Talk about #BuildKit at #DockerCon Live 2020

This week I had the honor of talking at DockerCon Live 2020. It was a dream come true and I was really excited considering that over roughly 70K registered for the event and nearly 24K watched the keynote. I presented how to improve container image builds using BuildKit. In contrast to many other virtual conferences, talks were pre-recorded and played at the designated time. This approach allowed speakers to interact with the audience during the talk.

Running a Private Container Registry with Token Authentication

When authenticating against a container registry, the user only supplies username and password. But in the background, Docker daemon and registry are using token authentication. This post demonstrates how to build a registry with a separate authentication service for token authentication.

Webinar about how to improve your #Docker image builds

This week I had the honour of giving a talk at the Docker Virtual Meetup about how to improve your Docker image builds. It was a very interactive crowd :-)