Talk about optimizing container image builds @ContainerConf

As part of ContainerConf I gave a talk about optimizing the build process of container images. This can be achieved in the following dimensions: faster builds, smaller images, more secure contents and easier maintenance.

Workshop about Advanced Topics around #Docker @ContainerConf

As part of ContainerConf I held a workshop covering advanced topics around containerization.

Talk about #rootless containers at DevOps Meetup Freiburg

As soon as in-person meetup events were possible, I gave a talk at DevOps Meetup Freiburg about rootless containers.

Processing response headers and body at once using #curl

curl is the go-to tool when it comes to talking to API from the console and in shell scripts. But working with the HTTP response code and the body of the response at the same time does not work easily. This post demonstrates how to receive response headers and body at once if the response body contains JSON.

Please note that I made a mistake :-( The parameter --write-out does not print the response header. I corrected the post and published a script to achieve the same.

Webinar about #Kubernetes for Beginners

heise Academy has organized a series of webinars around containers and Kubernetes. I had the honour to contribute two half-day webinars - one about Docker for beginners and a second one about Kubernetes for beginners. On June 17th, I held the second one with 250 attendees.

Talk about #GitOps at #DevOps Conference by @Jfrog and @heise_academy

This week, JFrog and heise Academy held a one day conference about DevOps in enterprises. I was lucky to contribute a talk about GitOps. I explained what GitOps is and demonstrated FluxCD, ArgoCD and kapp-controller.

Webinar about #Docker for Beginners

heise Academy has organized a series of webinars around containers and Kubernetes. I had the honour to contribute two half-day webinars - one about Docker for beginners and a second one about Kubernetes for beginners. On June 8th, I held the first one with 230 attendees.

Using #traefik to display maintenance information

When maintenance is performed on a service users should get a meaningful message while administrators need to be able to access the service at the same time. I will demonstrate how to achieve this using traefik and cookies. In addition I will show how to display a message of the day (MOTD) using the same approach.

Using #traefik error pages to handle unavailable services

When a request is unknown, traefik displays a very basic 404 page. Wouldn’t it be nice to provide more guidance to your users? Fortunately, you can customize error pages for services behind traefik and use that feature to catch unknown services. Let’s take a closer look at this!

Talk about #BuildKit at #ContainerConf 2020

Due to the global pandemic, ContainerConf moved to virtual event spread over multiple days in late 2020 and early 2021 each focusing on a specific topic. One of my contributions was a about BuildKit.