Webinar about operating #GitLab (German)
Published on 05 May 2022Part of my daily work is operating a GitLab instance for our development teams. Based on this experience I held a webinar for heise to share my knowledge.
Part of my daily work is operating a GitLab instance for our development teams. Based on this experience I held a webinar for heise to share my knowledge.
heise Academy has repeated a series of webinars around containers and Kubernetes. I had the honour to contribute two half-day webinars - one about Docker for beginners and a second one about Kubernetes for beginners (see below).
heise Academy has repeated a series of webinars around containers and Kubernetes. I had the honour to contribute two half-day webinars - one about Docker for beginners (see below) and a second one about Kubernetes for beginners.
As part of ContainerConf I gave a talk about features of Kubernetes beyond container orchestration.
As part of ContainerConf I gave a talk about optimizing the build process of container images. This can be achieved in the following dimensions: faster builds, smaller images, more secure contents and easier maintenance.
As part of ContainerConf I held a workshop covering advanced topics around containerization.
As soon as in-person meetup events were possible, I gave a talk at DevOps Meetup Freiburg about rootless containers.
is the go-to tool when it comes to talking to API from the console and in shell scripts. But working with the HTTP response code and the body of the response at the same time does not work easily. This post demonstrates how to receive response headers and body at once if the response body contains JSON.
Please note that I made a mistake :-( The parameter --write-out
does not print the response header. I corrected the post and published a script to achieve the same.
heise Academy has organized a series of webinars around containers and Kubernetes. I had the honour to contribute two half-day webinars - one about Docker for beginners and a second one about Kubernetes for beginners. On June 17th, I held the second one with 250 attendees.
This week, JFrog and heise Academy held a one day conference about DevOps in enterprises. I was lucky to contribute a talk about GitOps. I explained what GitOps is and demonstrated FluxCD, ArgoCD and kapp-controller.