Talk about optimizing container image builds @ContainerConf
Published on 17 Nov 2021Tags #Docker #Container #Slides #Slide Deck #ContainerConf
As part of ContainerConf I gave a talk about optimizing the build process of container images. This can be achieved in the following dimensions: faster builds, smaller images, more secure contents and easier maintenance.
I covered the following topics:
- Multi-stage builds
FROM scratch
- Order of commands
- BuildKit RUN cache
- Heredocs
- Parallelization in multi-stage builds
- Build automation using CI/CD
- BuildKit remote cache
- Testing container images
- Scanning for vulnerabilities
- Dependency update using RenovateBot
- Auto merging patch updates
Find my slides here.
The slides are a result of my slide and demo build system. Take a look at the release for this talk.
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