Published on 14 Mar 2016
After I have presented arguments for a static site in the first post in this series, I will provide you with an introduction to Jekyll, the static site generator which I am using for this site. Checkout StaticGen for more static site generators and the popularity of Jekyll.
Published on 10 Mar 2016
I have recently read about static website generators. This got me thinking about my blog which was then hosted on WordPress. I have been quite happy with WordPress but there are several aspects that need to be considered whether WordPress is the optimal platform. The following reasons are very subjective and apply to my situation.
Published on 04 Mar 2016
Since the announcement that Microsoft was planning to bring containers to Windows Server 2016, I have had many discussions about how Windows Containers impact end user computing. I have been asked whether containers are a replacement for App-V as well as Server App-V. It all boils down to the question whether Windows containers can be used to deploy end user applications. The short answer is “no” but let me explain in detail why this is the case.
Published on 04 Feb 2016
What do you expect to happend, when using return in advanced #PowerShell functions? I expected that execution would continue in the calling context. Let’s take a closer look to see why that is not the case.
Published on 25 Nov 2015
Recent examples of PowerShell Desired State Configuration (PSDSC) on the web are using configuration data to separate the configuration from environment data. The use of parameter for configurations is declining except for quick examples. Configuration data is using a data structure in PowerShell Object Notation (PSON) with only very few structural requirements. On one hand, this freedom is very welcome because the data structure can be designed to meet your personal needs. On the other hand, semantical errors cause configurations to fail because the data structure cannot be checked for errors by some predefined algorithm. Therefore, I will present how to check configuration data in #PSDSC using #Pester.
Published on 10 Nov 2015
Today I talked (in German) about automating #XenApp using #PowerShell at DCUG in Freiburg. I’d like to share the short slide deck as well as the code for my extensive demos. DCUG is a Citrix User Group event held in German and is organized by Roy Textor.
Published on 01 Oct 2015
I am honored and proud to announce that I have been awarded the Most Valuable Professional - MVP for Remote Desktop Services (RDS). This has been the sixth time in a row!
Published on 26 Sep 2015
Today I talked about #Azure #RemoteApp at #DuCuG in Amsterdam. I’d like to share my slide deck and the code for one of my demos.
Published on 18 Sep 2015
There are many examples how to install Windows Updates from PowerShell using the .NET classes in the namespace Microsoft.Update.Session. Those implementations are all blocking meaning that it is not possible to retrieve progress information. This post presents VBScript code to install Windows Updates asynchonously which cannot be done from PowerShell. Although this code does not solve the issue that downloading and installing Windows updates cannot be performed in a PowerShell remote session, it provides better visibility of the progress.
Published on 15 Sep 2015
Unfortunately, it is often necessary to call external programs from PowerShell. Whenever this is done, the controlling code needs to process output and errors. Some of those tools implement long running tasks which do not provide any progress information. This post presents a code to intercept progress messages from standard output to display progress from external programs.