Published on 20 Nov 2017
In my last post, I released several PowerShell modules to talk to several CI/CD tools. This includes InfluxDB a time-series database which is part of the TICK stack by InfluxData for storing and analyzing monitoring data.
Published on 15 Nov 2017
I am a console guy, you know. Although a graphical user interface (GUI) is a great way to visualize data, it often falls short of its potential when it does not correlate data. That’s when a command line tool comes into play. It enables you to retrieve different kinds of data and process them yourself. And since, I love PowerShell, what better way than replacing GUIs using cmdlets?!
Published on 15 Nov 2017
Today, I had the opportunity to speak at ContainerConf in Mannheim. I talked about the news in the Docker ecosystem with a special focus on the Moby project. This post not only publishes my slides but also the demos from this talk.
Published on 08 Nov 2017
Privileged containers have been the reason for many discussions. There are security minded people who would like to eliminate them as well as technical people who need the feature to drive containerization. I’d like to show you how to be a technical person running a privileged container but honour security considerations by dropping capabilities as soon as they are not required.
Published on 25 Oct 2017
At DockerCon I had the opportunity to talk about creating a Windows container host from scratch and how to maintain it when updates are published by Microsoft and Docker. Special thanks go out to Stefan Scherer. I realized that the official documentation assumes that a suitable system is already running. Existing work is often based on packer and vagrant which rely on an unattended installation, waiting for the VM to be accessible using WinRM and then injecting commands to finish the setup. I’d like to present how this is done the Microsoft way.
Published on 12 Oct 2017
On 10-10-2017 our very own conference x-celerate took place at the trade fair in Freiburg, Germany. With well over 100 attendees, the feedback proved it was a success in its first year.
Published on 27 Aug 2017
When writing advanced functions in PowerShell, ShouldProcess enables a script to ask for confirmation and react to different settings of $ConfirmPreference
. Unfortunately, the use of ShouldProcess is still somewhat obsure. Therefore, I have created template for this and added unit tests to proove it works correctly.
Published on 07 Jul 2017
Once in a while you will decide to execute tasks in parallel to speed up the whole process. And you will quickly start exploring PowerShell jobs. Although they are easy to start off, they always spawn a new empty instance of PowerShell. This post provides an example how to work around this.
Published on 02 Jul 2017
When using the USER
directive in Dockerfile
, all subsequent commands are forced to run as the specified user. This is a security feature to prevent processes from changing the configuration inside the container. But this is a nightmare when troubleshooting because you cannot make changes to the container trying to fix the issue at hand. Luckily, there is a way around this security feature when running containers on Windows.
Published on 29 Jun 2017
Many of your may already be using pester to write unit tests for PowerShell functions. By default, pester only shows which tests have succeeded and which have failed. Fortunately, pester can also analyze the code coverage} of those tests - meaning it can tell you how much of your code was actually tested. In this post I will show you how to determine line and function coverage for your tests.