Generating PostScript and PDF Documents
Published on 07 Jun 2004Tags #LaTeX #PDF #PostScript
PS and PDF documents are generated by so-called drivers. The name of the driver is to be specified as an option in the following notes: Figures, Colours, PDF Hyper References. The listed commands are compulsory for the given driver.
Driver: dvips
First variant:
latex <file>.tex dvips -Ppdf -G0 -o <file>.ps <file>.dvi ps2pdf -dPDFsettings=/prepress -o <file>.pdf <file>.ps
Second variant:
latex <file>.tex dvipdf <file>.tex
Driver: pdftex
pdflatex <file>.tex
Driver: dvipdfm
latex <file>.tex dvipdfm <file>.dvi
With thumbnails:
latex <file>.tex dvipdfm -e -z0 <file>.dvi gs -r10 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=png256 -sOutputFile=<file>.%d <file>.pdf dvipdfm <file>
Useful hints
How to tell apart pdftex and other drivers:
\usepackage[dvips]{graphics} %\usepackage[dvipdfm]{graphics}
See Compiling LaTeX Documents and PDF Bookmarks
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