
Making vim.tiny an alternative for vim
Artifactory NuGet feed for PowerShell modules
Breaking out of containers
BuildKit output on projectors
Custom format for docker ps
Populate the Docker build cache
Docker Compose network context
Selecting an init process for containers
Docker lessons learned
Docker locale
Docker and proxies
Docker lessons learned
Docker, timezone and time sync
Docker user namespace mapping
AutoSize for all tables in PowerShell
Example Docker storage plugin
Extend LVM volume
git: Show changes in a code block
Find terms using git grep
git: Little known facts and commands
git through a proxy
Clone a specific git commit
git credentials from environment variables
Format for writing to InfluxDB
Enable serving certificates for kubelet
Move git repo
Windows netsh portproxy
Packet sniffing
Pin packages on Ubuntu
Encode string for URL using PowerShell
Import remote PowerShell module
Import some members of a PowerShell module
Show confirmation by default in PowerShell
Setting a proxy in PowerShell
PowerShell Gallery on Powershell Core
Incremental deployments using rancher-compose
Pull images on all Rancher hosts
Container registries
Testing a reverse proxy
Redirecting stdout and stderr separately
Add Linux swap space in a file
Testing container images
Ubuntu packages for troubleshooting

Making vim.tiny an alternative for vim

update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/vim" "vim" "/usr/bin/vim.tiny" 1
update-alternatives --set "vim" "/usr/bin/vim.tiny"

Artifactory NuGet feed for PowerShell modules

  1. Create NuGet repo in Artifactory
  2. Install NuGet on build agent
  3. Register new repository:

     Register-PSRepository -Name Artifactory -SourceLocation -PublishLocation -InstallationPolicy Trusted
  4. Publish module:

     Publish-Module -Name Foobar -Repository Artifactory -NuGetApiKey 'dillen:XXX'

The NuGetApiKey is retrieved from Artifactory using the “Set Me Up” button of the repository.

Breaking out of containers


Mounting /proc and /dev


BuildKit output on projectors

#Docker #BuildKit

Tested these colors:

BUILDKIT_COLORS="run=light-blue:error=light-red:cancel=light-yellow:warning=white" docker buildx build .

Custom format for docker ps


docker ps --format "table {{.Names}}\\t{{.Image}}\\t{{.Status}}"
cat ~/.docker/config.json
"psFormat":"table {{.ID}}\\t{{.Names}}\\t{{.Image}}\\t{{.Status}}"

Populate the Docker build cache


Build agents usually have not seen a previous of an image. Solve this by pulling the last version and referencing it:

docker build \
    --tag myimage:mytag \
    --cache-from myimage:myoldtag \

When using micro-labeling, make sure to move them to the bottom to prevent cache misses.

Docker Compose network context

#Docker #Compose

Mounting the socket creates a new network context and creaks name resolution between containers.

Docker-in-Docker starts containers in the same network context.

Selecting an init process for containers

#Docker #init
  • systemd
  • supervisord
  • dumb-init
  • tini
  • s6

Docker lessons learned


Binary images

  • Pattern: Only use library images from Docker Hub
  • Anti-pattern: Don’t use community images
  • Tags: image, run, library, community, docker, hub, pattern
  • Abstract: XXX
  • Example: XXX


  • Pattern: Derive from code
  • Anti-pattern: Don’t build from community images
  • Tags: image, run, library, community, docker, hub, code, pattern
  • Abstract: XXX
  • Example: XXX

Binary images

  • Pattern: Build yourself
  • Anti-pattern: Don’t use community images
  • Tags: image, run, library, community, docker, hub, build, pattern
  • Abstract: XXX
  • Example: XXX

Using tags

  • Pattern: Use versioned tags
  • Anti-pattern: Don’t use latest
  • Tags: image, run, tag, docker, hub, pattern
  • Abstract: XXX
  • Example: XXX

Test images

  • Pattern: Test images before promoting them to production
  • Anti-pattern: Don’t use untested images
  • Tags: image, docker, test, pattern
  • Abstract: XXX
  • Example: XXX

Fail early

  • Pattern: XXX
  • Anti-pattern: XXX
  • Tags: image, test, docker, build, shell, pattern
  • Abstract: XXX
  • Example: SHELL ["bash", "-e", "-x", "-c"]

Readability beats size

  • Pattern: XXX
  • Anti-pattern: XXX
  • Tags: image, write, docker, layer, size, pattern
  • Abstract: XXX
  • Example: XXX

Copy directory tree into image

  • Pattern: Use a single ADD statement
  • Anti-pattern: Don’t ADD multiple times
  • Tags: image, write, docker, add, pattern
  • Abstract: XXX
  • Example: ADD files /

Order of statements

  • Pattern: Install dependencies first
  • Anti-pattern: XXX
  • Tags: image, write, dependency, docker, pattern
  • Abstract: XXX
  • Example: XXX

Validate downloads

  • Pattern: Validate downloads against checksums or signature
  • Anti-pattern: XXX
  • Tags: image, write, artifact, download, file, checksum, signature, docker, pattern
  • Abstract: XXX
  • Example: XXX

Run as user

  • Pattern: Run service as user
  • Anti-Pattern: Don’t run as root
  • Tags: image, write, root, user, docker, pattern
  • Abstract: XXX
  • Example: XXX

Use gosu

  • Pattern: Use gosu instead of sudo
  • Anti-pattern: Don’t use sudo
  • Tags: image, write, sudo, gosu, docker, pattern
  • Abstract: XXX
  • Example: XXX

Avoid privileges containers

  • Pattern: Use as few capabilities as possible
  • Anti-pattern: Avoid privileges containers
  • Tags: image, run, capability, privileged, docker, pattern
  • Abstract: Only add requires capabilities, isolate into privileged sidekick, drop capabilities as early as possible
  • Example: XXX

Manage your secrets

  • Pattern: Use secrets management
  • Anti-Pattern: Don’t store secrets in environment variables
  • Tags: image, write, run, secrets, credentials, password, token, environment, variable, docker, pattern
  • Abstract: XXX
  • Example: XXX

Use label to specify maintainer

  • Pattern: Use LABEL over MAINTAINER
  • Anti-pattern: Avoid MAINTAINER
  • Tags: image, write, label, maintainer, docker, pattern
  • Abstract: XXX
  • Example: XXX

Plan for PID 1

  • Pattern: XXX
  • Anti-pattern: XXX
  • Tags: image, write, init, pid, docker, pattern
  • Abstract: Use exec, use init
  • Example: XXX

Avoid Docker inception

  • Pattern: XXX
  • Anti-pattern: Avoid Docker-in-Docker (dind)
  • Tags: image, run, dind, inception, docker-in-docker, docker, pattern
  • Abstract: Don`t mount the Docker socker into a container, don’t run dind in privileges container
  • Example: XXX

Pull during build

  • Pattern: Always use --pull on docker build
  • Anti-pattern: Don’t use outdated upstream images
  • Tags: image, build, pull, upstream, docker, pattern
  • Abstract: XXX
  • Example: docker build --pull

Embrace automation

  • Pattern: Use build pipeline over multi-stage builds
  • Anti-pattern: Avoid multi-stage builds
  • Tags: image, write, build, multi-stage, pipeline, docker, pattern
  • Abstract: XXX
  • Example: XXX

Use microlabeling

  • Pattern: Use microlabeling
  • Anti-pattern: Don’t publish untracable images
  • Tags: image, write, build, microlabeling, label, docker, pattern
  • Abstract: and competitor
  • Example: XXX

Separate build and runtime information

  • Pattern: Separate build and runtime information
  • Anti-pattern: Don’t mix build and runtime information
  • Tags: image, write, build, runtime, docker, pattern
  • Abstract: For example credentials or proxy configuration
  • Example: XXX

Parameterize docker-compose.yml

  • Pattern: Use environment variables in docker-compose.yml
  • Anti-pattern: Don’t duplicate docker-compose.yml
  • Tags: image, run, compose, docker-compose, variable, docker, pattern
  • Abstract: XXX
  • Example: XXX

Read-only containers

  • Pattern: Make containers immutable
  • Anti-pattern: Don’t run writable containers
  • Tags: image, run, read-only, ro, immutable, tmpfs, docker, pattern
  • Abstract: Use --read-only to make the root fs read-only and --tmpfs to mount writable in-memory fs
  • Example: XXX

Plan resources

  • Pattern: Plan resource reservations and limits
  • Anti-pattern: XXX
  • Tags: image, run, resource, reservation, limit, docker, pattern
  • Abstract: XXX
  • Example: XXX

Tame java

  • Pattern: Manage memory used by Java
  • Anti-pattern: Don’t let Java decide how much memory to use
  • Tags: image, run, java, memory, docker, pattern
  • Abstract: XXX
  • Example: XXX

Test deployments

  • Pattern: Always do test deployments
  • Anti-pattern: Don’t release untested images
  • Tags: image, test, run, deployment, docker, pattern
  • Abstract: XXX
  • Example: XXX

Monitor containers

  • Pattern: Monitor containers
  • Anti-pattern: XXX
  • Tags: image, run, monitoring, docker, pattern
  • Abstract: XXX
  • Example: XXX

Scan your artifacts

  • Pattern: Scan your artifacts
  • Anti-pattern: XXX
  • Tags: image, build, run, security, docker, pattern
  • Abstract: XXX
  • Example: XXX

Docker locale

apt install language-pack-en
update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LC_MESSAGES=POSIX

Docker and proxies


Environment variables http_proxy and https_proxy must be set.

How to build behind a proxy:

docker build --env http_proxy --env https_proxy --env no_proxy --tag myimage:mytag .

How to run behind a proxy:

docker run --env http_proxy --env https_proxy --env no_proxy myimage:mytag

How to configure the daemon behind a proxy (only situation to specify the proxy):

$ mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
$ cat >> /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/proxy.conf <<EOF
Environment="http_proxy=" "https_proxy=" "no_proxy=localhost"
$ systemctl daemon-reload
$ service docker restart

How to use docker-compose behind a proxy:

$ cat docker-compose.yml
version: '2'
      context: .
        - http_proxy
        - https_proxy
        - no_proxy
    image: myimage:mytag
      - http_proxy
      - https_proxy
      - no_proxy

How to use docker-machine behind the proxy:

docker-machine --engine-env http_proxy --engine-env https_proxy --engine-env no_proxy ...

Docker lessons learned


Add ther following variables to the service definition:

  • USER
  • LANG

Docker, timezone and time sync


Use timezone of host:

docker run -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime myimage:mytag

Use specific timezone:

docker run -v /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin:/etc/localtime myimage:mytag

Containerized time sync:

cat ../docker-ntp/Dockerfile
FROM alpine:3.7


RUN apk update \
 && apk add openntpd gettext

ADD files /
cat ../docker-ntp/files/

cat /etc/ntpd.conf.envsubst | envsubst > /etc/ntpd.conf
exec ntpd -d
cat ../docker-ntp/files/etc/ntpd.conf.envsubst
servers ${TIME_SERVER}
sensor *
constraints from ""
$ docker build --tag myimage:mytag
$ docker run --cap-add SYS_TIME --cap-add SYS_NICE myimage:mytag

Docker user namespace mapping


AutoSize for all tables in PowerShell

$PSDefaultParameterValues.Add('Format-Table:AutoSize', {if ($host.Name -eq "ConsoleHost"){$true}})

Example Docker storage plugin

#Docker #Storage #Plugin


Extend LVM volume


How to extend a LVM volume:

  1. Rescan if disk not found:

     echo 1 >/sys/class/block/sda/device/rescan
  2. Create primary partition sda2 of type 8e (Linux LVM):

     fdisk /dev/sda
  3. Create physical volume:

     pvcreate /dev/sda2
  4. Note name of existing volume group:

  5. Extend volume group

     vgextend ubuntu-vg /dev/sda2
  6. Scan for physical volumes

  7. Note name of logical volume

  8. Extend logical volume

     lvextend /dev/ubuntu-vg/root /dev/sda2
  9. Resize filesystem

    a. extN:

     resize2fs /dev/ubuntu-vg/root

    b. xfs:

     xfs_growfs /dev/centos/root

git: Show changes in a code block


XXX go

git log -L :initInstallCmd:cmd/docker-setup/install.go


git log -L '/assertMetadataIsLoaded/',+10:cmd/docker-setup/install.go

Find terms using git grep



git grep extractVersion

git: Little known facts and commands


Show history with diff:

git log -p

Set current branch to SHA:

git reset --hard SHA

Copy all files from tag TAG:

git checkout tags/TAG '*'

Interactive rebase from very first commit:

git rebase --interactive --root

Create orphan branch

git checkout --orphan ghpages

git through a proxy

#git #proxy

The proxy can be set on different levels (--local, --global or --system):

git config --global http[s].proxy ''

Clone a specific git commit

git clone $URL
git reset --hard $SHA1

git credentials from environment variables

#SSH #git

For HTTP(S) URLs use a custom credential helper (source):

git config --global credential.helper '!f() { sleep 1; echo "username=${GIT_USER}\npassword=${GIT_PASS}"; }; f'
GIT_USER=user GIT_PASS=pass git clone

For SSH based repos use a custom SSH command:

GIT_SSH_COMMAND='echo "${SSH_KEY}" | ssh-add -t 20 -; ssh' git clone

Format for writing to InfluxDB


<Measurement>[,<tag>=<value>] <field>=<value>[,<field>=<value>] [<timestamp>}

Enable serving certificates for kubelet


Kubelet uses serving certificates created from a separate certificate authority. Enabling serving cetificates signed by the cluster CA is work in progress as per kubernetes/kubeadm#1223.

The following workaround can be used to enable serving certificates for kubelet but has the multiple caveats:

  • Each kubelet creates a dedicated CSR for its serving certificate. This CSR must be approved manually
  • The serving certificate is not automatically renewed. After nearly one year, a new CSR is created and must be approved manually (again)
  1. Deploy a cluster and add serverTLSBootstrap: true to the kubelet configuration, e.g. using kind:
kind: Cluster
- role: control-plane
  - |
    kind: KubeletConfiguration
    serverTLSBootstrap: true
- role: worker
- role: worker
  1. Approve the kubelet serving certificate signing requests:
kubectl --namespace=kube-system get csr --output=json \
| jq --raw-output '.items[] | select(.spec.signerName == "") |' \
| xargs -I{} kubectl certificate approve {}

Mind the caveats listed above!

Move git repo


Move a complete repo from oldserver to newserver:

git clone --mirror git@oldserver:oldproject.git
cd oldproject.git
git remote add new git@newserver:newproject.git
git push --mirror new

Windows netsh portproxy

#Windows #portproxy

netsh can be used to configure port forwarding:

netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=443 connectaddress= connectport=443
netsh interface portproxy delete v4tov4 listenport=443

Packet sniffing


Sniffing packets and displaying HTTP requests and responses:

tcpdump -A -s 0 'tcp port 80 and (((ip[2:2] - ((ip[0]&0xf)<<2)) - ((tcp[12]&0xf0)>>2)) != 0)'

Pin packages on Ubuntu

cat /etc/apt/preferences.d/docker-ce.pref
Package: docker-ce
Pin: version 17.09.*
Pin-Priority: 1000

Encode string for URL using PowerShell


Some characters cannot be used in URLs without causing weird behaviour on servers and or clients:


Import remote PowerShell module

  1. Create a session to the remote host:

     $Session = New-PSSession -Computer 'RemoteHost'
  2. Import the module in the remote session:

     Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock {
         Import-Module -Name 'MyModule'
  3. Import remote session:

     $RemoteModule = Import-PSSession -Session $Session -Module 'MyModule'
  4. Load module from remote session:

     Import-Module -Name $RemoteModule -Global

Import some members of a PowerShell module

Import-Module -Name Helpers -Function 'Get-Epoch'

Show confirmation by default in PowerShell


Setting a proxy in PowerShell

$Proxy = ''
$PSDefaultParameterValues.Add('Register-PSRepository:Proxy') = $Proxy
$PSDefaultParameterValues.Add('Set-PSRepository:Proxy') = $Proxy
$PSDefaultParameterValues.Add('Install-Module:Proxy') = $Proxy
$PSDefaultParameterValues.Add('Invoke-WebRequest:Proxy') = $Proxy
$PSDefaultParameterValues.Add('Invoke-RestMethod:Proxy') = $Proxy

PowerShell Gallery on Powershell Core


PowerShell Gallery is not available as a package repository on PowerShell Core. It is registered by running the following:

Register-PSRepository -Default
Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted

Incremental deployments using rancher-compose

#Rancher #Docker

Rancher deploys incrementally when docker-compose.yml is missing an existing service

Pull images on all Rancher hosts

#Rancher #Docker

Using rancher-compose pull on a docker-compose.yml forces all hosts to pull the specified images reducing deployment times

Container registries


Explore manifests and blob contents:

Short-lived storage:

Testing a reverse proxy


Reverse proxies usually service a long list of different services. Some of which are secured using HTTPS which others are still HTTP-only.

  1. Testing certificate:
  echo | openssl s_client -showcerts -servername -connect | openssl x509 -inform PEM -noout -text
  1. Testing HTTP:
  curl -vH "Host:"
  1. Testing HTTPS:
  curl --resolve

Redirecting stdout and stderr separately


Process standard input and standard error separately:

(echo stdout && echo stderr >&2) > >(cat | while read -r LINE; do echo "stdout: ${LINE}"; done) 2> >(cat | while read -r LINE; do echo "stderr: ${LI
NE}" >&2; done)


$ sudo cat /etc/sudoers.d/myuser
# allow myuser to execute all commands without a password
# add the following line if executed command will not provide a tty
Defaults:myuser !requiretty
# add the following if using a proxy
Defaults:myuser env_keep+="http_proxy https_proxy no_proxy"

Add Linux swap space in a file


If a separate swap partition was not configured:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/myswap bs=1M count=4096
chmod 0600 /myswap
mkswap /myswap
swapon /myswap

Insert the following line in /etc/fstab for swap from the next boot:

/myswap    none    swap    sw    0   0

Testing container images


Ubuntu packages for troubleshooting

#Docker #Ubuntu
  • ca-certificates
  • apt-transport-https
  • curl
  • wget
  • software-properties-common for add-apt-repository
  • net-tools for netstat
  • dnsutils for nslookup, dig
  • vim.tiny followed by

      update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/vim" "vim" "/usr/bin/vim.tiny" 1
      update-alternatives --set "vim" "/usr/bin/vim.tiny"
  • iproute2