Published on 06 Jun 2019
This week, I attended a new kind of conferencecalled DevOps Essentials organized by dpunkt, heise Developer and iX. They decided to have most half-day workshops with only one keynote-like talk per day. I was able to contribute one of the half-day workshops for advanced users of Docker.
Published on 15 May 2019
Products for continuous integration and continuous delivery have become a commodity. But among them is a growing number isolating build steps in containers. Instead of using a fully integrated product, I have created a tool called insulatr
to execute builds in containers without the need for a server component or scheduler.
Published on 29 Mar 2019
This week I had the opportunity to speak at the Azure and .NET Meetup Freiburg about developing PowerShell modules. Thanks for having me!
Published on 30 Jan 2019
After one whole year, I was finally able to contribute another talk at DevMeetup Freiburg. It was about the security ups and downs of container management based on Docker.
Published on 18 Nov 2018
ContainerConf marked a very special moment this year because I was able to contribute one workshop and two talks about Docker.
Published on 18 Nov 2018
Publishing the Docker daemon usually involves creating the requires certificates, reconfiguring the Docker daemon and restarting it. But often, you do not have the necessary permissions to change the daemon configuration or restart it. I’ll demonstrate how to use a containerized reverse proxy to achieve the same.
Published on 08 Oct 2018
This year, I co-organized x-celerate conference for the second time and contributed a half-day workshop about CI/CD for containers.
Published on 20 Sep 2018
During my investigation regarding the merging of layers from multiple images, I realized that the Docker Registry API can also be used to tag image without pulling and pushing the whole image. Let’s take a closer look.
Published on 07 Sep 2018
In my last post, I explained how to create Docker images from the layers of other images. As this is a rather complex process, I have published a PowerShell module to automate this.
Published on 19 Aug 2018
Everyone is trying really hard to separate functionality in their Docker images. But we all have one or more images which contain multiple tools and take quiet some time to build. Unfortunately a rebuild will be necessary whenever a small change was made to the Dockerfile
. This post will demonstrate how to conditionally build sections of a Dockerfile to reduce the build time.