Colour Escapes

Colour escape sequences are useful for designing text user interfaces (TUI).

XFree Key Bindings

Modern keyboard offer so called multimedia keys which allow direct control over the browser or media player. But the keycodes which are generated by the individual keys are usually unknown to the system and, therefore, ignored.

Tar: Archiving Selected Files

Instead of letting tar recursively add files to the archive simply provide a file list on stdin.

Subversion over SSH

Subversion has a built-in protocol variant that automatically tunnels repository access through SSH to the specified host.

CVS over SSH

Instead of connecting to a pserver CVS can be tunnelled through SSH to protect the versioned data.

Tar: Remove Leading Directory Names

Here is an example how to archive files removing leading directory names.

nl: Number Lines

It is often useful to use line numbered code to document the stuff you implemented. So instead of manually adding them or writing YALNT (yet another line numbering tools) you better use nl.

Cross Compiling Hint for Linux From Scratch has a new Maintainer

The crosscompiling hint is now maintained by Daniel Baumann.

Updated Cross Compiling Hint for Linux From Scratch to Version 2.1.6

I have updated the crosscompiling hint with the following:

  • fixed typo in toc
  • added workaround for a weird procps behaviour
  • added chapter for netkit-base 0.17

Stopped maintaining the Cross Compiling Hint for Linux From Scratch

I have stopped maintaining the crosscompiling hint for the Linux From Scratch project because I can no longer invest the time required to update and enhance the hint.