Highly standardized installation and configuration
Linux package
Helm Chart
Central service for…
Examples in this workshop use traefik
is configured using container labels
Deploy using docker compose
# Clone repository with slides and demos
git clone https://github.com/nicholasdille/container-slides
cd container-slides/150_gitlab/100_reverse_proxy
git pull
# Remove existing instance of GitLab
docker rm -f gitlab
# Deploy new instance
docker compose --project-name gitlab up -d
Your VM has the necessary environment variables: DOMAIN
and IP
Extract password (or reset):
docker compose --project-name gitlab exec gitlab \
cat /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password \
| grep ^Password | cut -d' ' -f2
Stop running instance:
docker compose --project-name gitlab down
Purge data by removing volumes:
docker volume rm gitlab_config
docker volume rm gitlab_logs
docker volume rm gitlab_data
docker volume create gitlab_config
docker volume create gitlab_logs
docker volume create gitlab_data
A fresh instance has a new initial root password
Not configured in this workshop
Multiple options
Configure GitLab with key and certificate
Configure GitLab to use Let’s Encrypt
Configure traefik to use custom certificate