Many apps ship with integrated exporters
Many FOSS services have an exporter
Collection works just like for system services
If nothing available, use generic exporters
Probing of endpoints over HTTP, HTTPS, DNS, TCP, ICMP and gRPC
Scraping of remote JSON by JSONPath
Alternative: JSON API datasource
Different datacenters or restrictive firewalls
Check whether scraping is possible
Otherwise push metrics to gateway:
Helps with firewall traversal
Accepts metrics from apps or agents
Caveat: Does not remove orphaned metrics
Kubernetes will try really hard to protect pods
When resources on a node are depleted:
will stop scheduling pods to the nodekubelet
will evict podsPods have a quality-of-service based on resource requests and limits
Scheduling uses resource requests to find suitable node
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --output=json \
| jq --raw-output '.items[] | "\( \(.status.qosClass)"'