Resource descriptions are stored in etcd
The cluster implements these descriptions
Changes to resources lead to new decisions
External impacts are compensated
Event show what is happening inside a cluster
The cluster is never stable (for long)
Read event stream:
kubectl get events --watch
Events shown for deployment with one replica:
0s Normal ScalingReplicaSet deployment/nginx Scaled up replica set nginx-5ff58d798d to 1
0s Normal SuccessfulCreate replicaset/nginx-5ff58d798d Created pod: nginx-5ff58d798d-jn88b
0s Normal Scheduled pod/nginx-5ff58d798d-jn88b Successfully assigned default/nginx-5ff58d798d-jn88b to kind-control-plane
0s Normal Pulling pod/nginx-5ff58d798d-jn88b Pulling image "nginx:stable"
0s Normal Pulled pod/nginx-5ff58d798d-jn88b Successfully pulled image "nginx:stable" in 6.443385154s
0s Normal Created pod/nginx-5ff58d798d-jn88b Created container nginx
0s Normal Started pod/nginx-5ff58d798d-jn88b Started container nginx
Read events as JSON and extract information:
kubectl get events --watch --output json \
| jq -r '"\(.source.component) \(.reason) \(.involvedObject.kind) \(.involvedObject.namespace)/\("'
Understand who does what:
deployment-controller ScalingReplicaSet Deployment default/nginx
replicaset-controller SuccessfulCreate ReplicaSet default/nginx-5ff58d798d
default-scheduler Scheduled Pod default/nginx-5ff58d798d-2jxm6
kubelet Pulled Pod default/nginx-5ff58d798d-2jxm6
kubelet Created Pod default/nginx-5ff58d798d-2jxm6
kubelet Started Pod default/nginx-5ff58d798d-2jxm6
Receive detailed updates:
kubectl get pods --watch --output-watch-events --output json \
| jq -r '"\(.type): \( \(.object.status.phase)"'
Understand changes to a resource:
ADDED: nginx-5ff58d798d-c6nq2 Pending
MODIFIED: nginx-5ff58d798d-c6nq2 Pending
MODIFIED: nginx-5ff58d798d-c6nq2 Pending
MODIFIED: nginx-5ff58d798d-c6nq2 Running