Build environment | Runtime environment |
Compilers (e.g. javac ) |
Runtime (e.g. java ) |
Build dependencies | Execution dependencies |
Build tools (e.g. make ) |
- |
Large image | Smaller attack surface |
FROM alpine AS build1
RUN touch /opt/binary1
FROM alpine AS build2
RUN touch /opt/binary2
FROM alpine AS final
COPY --from=build1 /opt/binary1 /opt/
COPY --from=build2 /opt/binary2 /opt/
and build2
are built at the same time
Concurrency is determined based on the dependency graph
Compile in parallel using JDK
Combine in final image using JRE
Build in parallel using BuildKit:
docker build --tag hello-demo .
Run default hello:
docker run hello-demo
Run other hello:
docker run hello-demo HelloHeise