Demo: Docker

Demo: Docker

Docker CLI hides the details of using BuildKit

Option 1: Enable BuildKit through the client

Control BuildKit usage from Docker CLI

docker build .

Option 2: Configure Docker daemon to use BuildKit

The Docker daemon can use BuildKit by default

$ cat /etc/docker/daemon.json
    "features": {
        "buildkit": true

Demo: Docker daemon containerized

Docker-in-Docker requires a privileged container…

…which is a severe security concern

Run Docker-in-Docker with local port publishing:

docker run --name dockerd \
    --detach \
    --privileged \
    --publish \
    docker:stable-dind \
        dockerd \
            --host tcp://

Run local Docker CLI against daemon container:

docker --host tcp:// build .

Demo: Docker fully containerized

Docker-in-Docker requires a privileged container…

…which is a severe security concern

Run Docker-in-Docker with local port publishing:

docker run --name dockerd \
    --detach \
    --privileged \
    --publish \
    docker:stable-dind \
        dockerd \
            --host tcp://

Run containerized Docker CLI against daemon container:

docker run --interactive --tty \
    --network container:dockerd \
    --volume $PWD:/src \
    --workdir /src \
    docker:stable \
    docker --host tcp:// build .