Proven structure 1/2

Proven structure 1/2

Recommended by multiple PowerShell enthusiasts

    \-- $ModuleName.psd1
    \-- $ModuleName.psm1
    \-- Functions/
        \-- *.ps1

One .ps1 file per function

Sourced from root module

Proven structure 2/2

…or even:

    \-- $ModuleName.psd1
    \-- $ModuleName.psm1
    \-- Functions/
        \-- private/*.ps1
        \-- public/*.ps1

Separate exported functionality and internal functions

Root Module

Root module usually contains code to source only:

$Params = @{
    Path    = "$PSScriptRoot\Functions"
    Filter  = '*.ps1'
    Recurse = $true
Get-ChildItem @Params | ForEach-Object {
    . "$($_.FullName)"

Only put few other things in root module:

Export-Member, module variables, custom formats