Published on 03 Nov 2023
I have started a new webinar series with heise Academy about Kubernetes - in German. After the first part called “Kubernetes verstehen”, the part 2 called “Kubernetes automatisieren” and the part 3 called “Kubernetes überwachen”, this is part 4 called “Kubernetes absichern”.
Published on 25 Oct 2023
I have started a new webinar series with heise Academy about Kubernetes - in German. After the first part called “Kubernetes verstehen” and the part 2 called “Kubernetes automatisieren”, this is part 3 called “Kubernetes überwachen”. Part 4 will be “Kubernetes absichern”.
Published on 19 Oct 2023
When working with infrastructure-as-code, you have process data structures to filter, extract or transform data. How such a task develops is highly dependent on the complexity of the data structures as well as the level of nested arrays and hashes. This post shows you examples how to use yq and jq to parse them.
Published on 18 Oct 2023
I have started a new webinar series with heise Academy about Kubernetes - in German. After the first part called “Kubernetes verstehen”, this is part 2 called “Kubernetes automatisieren”. Part 3 will be “Kubernetes überwachen” and part 4 will be “Kubernetes absichern”.
Published on 11 Oct 2023
I have started a new webinar series with heise Academy about Kubernetes - in German. This is about the first part called “Kubernetes verstehen”. Part 2 will be “Kubernetes automatisieren”, part 3 will be “Kubernetes überwachen” and part 4 will be “Kubernetes absichern”.
Published on 05 Oct 2023
BuildKit has added many features to building container images. The resulting images will look very differently in the registry. This post will focus on the layout of the manifests stored in the registry when switching media types, building multi-arch images or adding prevenance (e.g. SBOM).
Published on 22 Jun 2023
I gave a talk at Docker Meetup Freiburg about my pet project docker-setup.
Published on 16 May 2023
I have started a new webinar series with heise Academy about Kubernetes security. This is about the fourth part called supply chain security. Part 1 was about Platform-as-a-Service, part 2 was about policies and part 3 was about policies.
Published on 10 May 2023
With the release of the prerelease versions for Docker 24.0.0, a feature flag was added to enable the containerd image store. This extends the integration of Docker with containerd by delegating image operations. This post dives into setting up the new version of Docker and enabling the containerd image store.
Published on 10 May 2023
I have started a new webinar series with heise Academy about Kubernetes security. This is about the third part called policies. Part 1 was about Platform-as-a-Service, part 2 was about policies and part 4 will be about supply chain security.