Creating Advanced Entrypoints for Containers

There has been much confusion around the container entrypoint and parameters. This post will shed some light on this topic and present an script to serve as an flexible entrypoint.


A Dockerfile can contain ENTRYPOINT and/or COMMAND to specify the start behaviour of a container. The relation between the two con be described by a few basic rules:

  1. If your Dockerfile contains only COMMAND, the contained command(s) will be executed when the container starts

  2. If your Dockerfile contains only ENTRYPOINT, the contained command(s) will be executed when the container starts

  3. If your Dockerfile contains ENTRYPOINT as well as COMMAND, the commands contained in ENTRYPOINT will be executed with the command contained in COMMAND as parameters

Note that these rule are valid even when ENTRYPOINT and COMMAND contain multiple commands.

It is possible to override ENTRYPOINT by specifying the --entrypoint parameter. COMMAND is overridden by specifying parameters to the docker command line:

docker run myimage these are parameters

Shell versus Exec format

Both ENTRYPOINT as well as COMMAND can be expressed in one of two formats:

  1. In shell format the commands are specified as simple strings:
  COMMAND these are parameters

The commands are prefixed with the contents of the SHELL commands which defaults to /bin/sh -c.

  1. In exec format the commands are expressed as an JSON array:
  ENTRYPOINT [ "/" ]
  COMMAND [ "these", "are", "parameters" ]

In this case, the SHELL command is ignored and the commands are executed as is.

Writing an advanced entrypoint

It is always a good idea to support different ways to run a container. The default behaviour should be configured to match the primary use case. For example, if the container image is meant to run nginx, it should be started by default.

Nevertheless, it is often necessary to analyze the behaviour of a container image without building a separate image. An entrypoint can be tailored to start an interactive shell or execute arbitrary commands.

The following entrypoint (/ is making heavy use of the variable $@ which contains all the parameters passed to the script. $1 denotes the first entry of $@. The contents of $@ are updated by the command set --. At the end the updated parameters are used to execute the contained commands to replace the current process (exec).

set -o errexit

case "$1" in
        set -- "$@"
        set -- nginx "$@"

exec "$@"

The following Dockerfile embeds the above entrypoint and specifies the default parameters to execute nginx in the foreground.

FROM nginx:alpine
CMD [ "-g", "daemon off;" ]

After building the above image, it can be used in the folllowing way:

Based on this concept, container entrypoints can define more complex startup behaviour.

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