Running #Minecraft in a Windows Container using #Docker
Published on 21 Jun 2016Tags #Docker #Container #Minecraft
Last year I blogged about running a Minecraft server for friends and family. Today I will explain how I have banished it into a Windows container using Docker! This is another step avoiding Java on the host. But let’s start at the beginning.
Minecraft has a very inconvenient dependency - it is based on Java for which we have seen many as well as serious security bulletins in the last few years. I could have isolated the Minecraft server in a virtual machine but I did not want to accept the overhead of another operating system instance with the sole purpose of serving Minecraft.
A container sounds like a great opportunity to reduce the overhead while isolating the processes from the host at the same time. When Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 5 was released I was thrilled about the management experience using Docker on Windows as well as the advantages of integrating PowerShell Desired State Configuration into containers.
Note that I have published an updated guide to running Minecraft in a container.
Isolating Java
After those first steps with Docker, I decided to start building a container for Minecraft. Like I said, this requires Java. I found an interesting article about Java in Windows containers which gave me a head start. Building on this I created a container image and published it on Ducker Hub: nicholasdille/javaruntime.
I have also published the corresponding Dockerfile:
FROM windowsservercore
ADD c:\jre-8u91-windows-x64.exe
RUN powershell -Command \
Start-Process -FilePath C:\jre-8u91-windows-x64.exe -PassThru -Wait -ArgumentList \"/s /L c:\Java64.log\"
RUN del c:\jre-8u91-windows-x64.exe
As you can see from the code above I decided to use the ADD
instruction to download the Java installation package. This does not require the container to have internet access. Note that the Dockerfile comes with a script called docker-build.cmd
which is responsible for building the container image using docker build
. It also takes care of tagging the image because right now it used Java 1.8.0u91 (tagged as 8u91 as well as latest). When a new patch is released you can easily update the Dockerfile and the build script.–>
Important note: The Dockerfile
included above displays outdated code for this image. But due to recent enhancements, please inspect the repository for my Java image.
Adding Minecraft … Not!
I am using SpigotMC for the Minecraft server which may not be distributed as a JAR file. Therefore, I decided to use the container as a pure runtime environment without adding the Minecraft directory to the container. The following Dockerfile prepares a simple container image for Minecraft:
FROM nicholasdille/javaruntime:8u91
EXPOSE 25565
EXPOSE 25575
VOLUME c:\\minecraft
ADD minecraft.ps1 /
CMD powershell -command c:\minecraft.ps1
The container builds on top of the Java container described above and adds the following:
- It exposes the server port (25565) as well as the remote console port (25575)
- It defines a volume for the Minecraft server directory (containing configuration files, plugins, worlds etc.)
It adds a PowerShell script for launching the minecraft server:
Set-Location -Path \minecraft $LatestJar = Get-ChildItem spigot-*.jar | Sort-Object LastWriteTime | Select-Object -Last 1 -ExpandProperty Name & "$Env:ProgramFiles\Java\jre1.8.0_91\bin\Java.exe" -Xmx1024M -Xms32M -jar $LatestJar -W .\worlds
Note that I am dynamically selecting the youngest spigot-*.jar so that updating does not require changing any script.
In the end, I have added a PowerShell-based wrapper script for launching the Minecraft container (nicholasdille/spigotmc) which only requires you to adjust the local path for the volume:
docker run -d --name minecraft -v D:\Apps\MinecraftSpigot:c:\minecraft -p 25565:25565 -p 25575:25575 nicholasdille/spigotmc
Managing the Minecraft Container
You can easily look at the server starting up inside the container: docker logs -f minecraft
If the server requires any kind of intervention, use the remote console (RCON) to interact with the server.
Future Enhancements
I have the feeling I have not found the best solution for handling the Minecraft server directory. The container built in this post simply mounts a local directory into the container. If any of you Docker veterans has a better solution, please get in touch with me on Twitter.