Grafana was removed in 16.3.0 (August 2023)
All components expose metrics
GitLab includes Prometheus exporters for all components
GitLab provides custom dashboards for import into Grafana
Exporter providers an HTTP endpoint with metrics
Prometheus scrapes metrics from exporter regularly
Start Grafana next to GitLab
cd ../170_monitoring
docker compose \
--project-name gitlab \
--file ../100_reverse_proxy/compose.yml \
--file ../135_integrations/compose.yml \
--file ../160_runner/compose.yml \
--file ./compose.yml \
up -d
Create datasource of type Prometheus with URL http://gitlab:9090
Add link to Grafana: Admin Area Settings Metrics and profiling Metrics - Grafana
Find link under: Admin Area Monitoring Metrics Dashboard
Use GitLab as authentication provider in Grafana
This requires TLS to work
, profile
, email
Prometheus exporter for pipelines collecting…
Meant to run as daemon
Regularly checks configured projects
Regularly discovers new projects