
Full-text search across the instance using ElasticSearch

Requires a premium license

Uses open-source project internally


Run full web-based IDE using Gitpod

Uses web-based Visual Studio Code

Free tier of cloud service requires public repositories

Self-hosted deployment requires Kubernetes


Web IDE is available in GitLab CE but lacks terminal

Interactive web terminal opens shell in running CI job


Render diagrams from textual descriptions using Kroki


Deploy in addition to GitLab:

# Deploy kroki
cd ../135_integrations
docker compose --project-name gitlab \
    --file ../100_reverse_proxy/compose.yml \
    --file compose.yml \
    up -d

Enable Kroki in web UI (Menu Admin Settings General Kroki)

Set Kroki URL to http://kroki and enable all additional formats

See and commit to repository


Integration of Jira work items with code in GitLab

Two flavours - see feature comparison

Jira issues integration

Connects one or more project to a Jira instance

Jira development panel integration

Connects all projects under a group to a Jira instance