Will You Be Able to Run a Fully Supported #WindowsContainer Environment?

Microsoft is putting a lot of effort in providing a production ready container runtime managed by Docker. Although I am a big fan of containerization, I am a bit worried by the support statement concerning Windows containers.

In the online documentation of Windows containers, Microsoft publishes the official support statement. The contents are a surprise considering that containers provide a virtualization layer. You would expect that virtualization makes two components independent… see for yourself, the following excerpt expresses the requirements:

If the build number matches but the revision number is different, it is not blocked from starting - for example 10.0.14393 (Windows Server 2016 RTM) and 10.0.14393.206 (Windows Server 2016 GA). Even though they are not technically blocked, this is a configuration that may not function properly under all circumstances and thus cannot be supported for production environments.

To grasp the implications of this statement, we need to take a closer look at version numbers. Every Windows instance is identified by a version in the following format: <major>.<minor>.<build>.<revision>.

The first requirement is a technical limitation. Containers will not launch if the build number of the host operating system and the container image differs. This is caused by the changes between releases of the Windows server and is an acceptable limitation.

The second requirement is a lot harder to implement. Microsoft does not support running different revisions of the host operating system and the container image.

Consider the following scenario: You have containerized several business critical applications in Windows containers. The environment performs well. Then you hit one of the following situations:

If you are running containers in production you will inevitably be hit by the first consequence described above because everybody will have to apply updates regularly.

The support statement effectively blocks some of the advantages of containerization. Instead of making applications quick to deploy, you need to make sure that the base image matches your container host. This will become even more painful when the number of Windows container image on Docker Hub increases.

Therefore… Microsoft, please make sure that host and container may be based on different revisions. Otherwise, this will be a huge obstacle in the adoption of Windows containers.