Slide Deck (German) about #Azure #RemoteApp at #VCNRW

Last week I talked about #Azure #RemoteApp at #VCNRW, the Virtualization Community NRW in Cologne, Germany. I’d like to share my slide deck and the code for one of my demos.

Although the Virtualization Community NRW (VCNRW) is a rather new community event filling a gap in and near Cologne. It is focussed on topics covering the virtualization technologies by Microsoft, Citrix and VMware.

Slide Deck for #Azure #RemoteApp at #VCNRW

My session was titled “Ein Arbeitsplatz in der Cloud durch Azure RemoteApp”. VCNRW has published a very benevolent article about me and my session (German)</a>.

[![Ein Arbeitsplatz in der Cloud durch #Azure #RemoteApp at #VCNRW](/media/2015/06/2015-06-18-VCNRW-Azure-RemoteApp.png]](/media/2015/06/2015-06-18-VCNRW-Azure-RemoteApp.pdf)

Either click the image above or this link to download the slide deck for #Azure #RemoteApp at #VCNRW.

I covered the following topics:


In addition to several live demos of the cloud and hybrid deployments, I have also given a short introduction to managing Azure RemoteApp using PowerShell. The code of this demo is available at GitHub.