Adding Perl Methods during Runtime
Published on 30 Nov 2007Tags #Perl
Since perl objects are blessed references, it is not easy to add an instance method which is visible in one single instance.
NOTE: Please read and understand the note about adding functions.
But you can work around that:
use strict;
use warnings;
### creates two instances of Test
my $object1 = Test->new();
my $object2 = Test->new();
### adds a dynamic method 'test' to object1
$object1->create('test', sub {
my ($self, $param) = @_;
print 'hallo' . $param . "n";
### calls methods
print 'start' . "n";
print 'stop' . "n";
package Test;
use Carp;
### simple constructor
sub new {
my ($pkg) = @_;
return bless {
'methods' => {},
}, $pkg;
### creates dynamic methods
sub create {
my ($self, $name, $code) = @_;
### saves code in the blessed reference
$self->{'methods'}->{$name} = $code;
### strict refs break *$name
no strict 'refs';
### globally visible function
*$name = sub {
my $self = shift;
### dereferences code and executes it
if (exists($self->{'methods'}->{$name})) {
&{$self->{'methods'}->{$name}}($self, @_);
### dies if the curent instance does not define code for $name
} else {
confess $self . ' does not implement ' . $name . "n";
NOTE: I have implemented this in the current development version of my perl code Library.
See also: Dynamic code considerations